
Are YOU leading your company to long-term success or its downfall?

Are YOU leading your company to long-term success or its downfall?

Your role as a CEO doesn't stop at maintaining a robust execution engine. It's equally crucial to foster a thriving culture of innovation.

Here's why:

πŸ’Ž Innovation ensures future growth. It’s the pipeline that feeds your company's evolution and competitiveness.

πŸ’Ž Execution pays your salary, but innovation pays your pension, as Steve Blank says.

Your critical tasks:

βœ… Foster both execution and innovation.

βœ… Put the right people and processes in place.

βœ… Don’t delegate innovation to a distant office. Your involvement is non-negotiable.

No innovation pipeline = a hollow shell of a company.

Ensure your organization doesn't just survive but thrives with innovation.

How are you fostering innovation in your company?



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