
Riding the wave?

Riding the wave?

Prepare for rougher times ahead!

In 1965, the average company on the S&P 500 stayed there for 33 years. But times have changed. By 1990, that number had dropped to just 20 years. And now, it's projected to be just 14 years by 2026. 😱

💥 That means about 50% of the S&P 500 will be replaced in the next 10 years.

A staggering 80% of business models are at risk.

If you're unprepared, you could be capsized and left behind. 😵

So what can you do to stay afloat?

💎 Stay nimble

💎 Stay innovative

💎 Stay focused on delivering value to your customers.

Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. Take calculated risks and learn from your failures.

Never stop evolving and adapting to the changing tides.


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